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2011年12月18日 (日)


NASA's Landsat finds problems under Yellowstone's Old  Faithful

By Nancy Houser.

Yellowstone National Park -  NASA's Landsat satellites have
  been tracking Yellowstone's underground geothermal activity,
a deep heat that is  stored 4,000 miles into the earth's core.
But there are areas where these energy  levels are becoming
erratic. Old Faithful could be in trouble.
The Landsat Program is jointly managed by NASA and the U.S.
Geological Survey, beginning its services of remote sensing
in 1972. It became  part of the Yellowstone National Park's
new monitoring plan in 2005. In addition  to remote sensing,
Landsat also uses airborne reconnaissance in order to
"observe geothermal changes across all of Yellowstone in
a systematic and  scientific manner." (NASA)
Up until recently, the heat coming from  Yellowstone's
underground magma chamber has always been the fuel for
over 10,000  of the volcano's features: Old faithful, hot springs,
geysers, mud spots,  terraces and mud pots. But NASA is
reporting that the Landsat imagery has picked  up some
unexpected developments outside the park's borders, also
picked up by  energy companies beyond the park's borders.
"If that geothermal development outside  of the park begins,
we need to know whether that's going to cause Old Faithful
to suddenly stop spewing," says Rick Lawrence of Montana
State University.
The park had funded a study on the  unexpected geothermal
activity, looking for a new perspective on the developing 
event. The results will be presented in San Francisco,
Calif., on Friday, Dec 9,  2011, at the American Geophysical
Union conference. Visible light and  heat-sensitive Landsat
data channels were used in the study by Lawrence and his
co-author, Shannon Savage.
To get a better view of what was going  on in Yellowstone,
the Landsat satellites imagery were used in the study because
it was circling above the area at 438 miles, getting a much
better view of the  entire area. Additionally, the satellites had
several decades of data they could  use to observe the land's
surface and its heat energy.
Minerva Terrace and Spring  part of Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park.
NASA/National  Park Service
Minerva Terrace and Spring,  part of Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park.
What makes Yellowstone unique is that the energy Landsat is  able to pick up includes not only the heat that has been absorbed through the  sun, but also the geothermal energy the earth produces by itself. The  satellite's imagery found that one of the geothermal spots, Minerva Terraces,  collapsed when the hot bubbling water beneath it stopped flowing. The images  that were observed from 1998 to 1999 showed that correlation of the heat and  energy in the area.
About the time this was going on, one  individual happened to see a geothermal explosion occur, causing rocks to fly  everywhere. But in areas where it was supposed to remain hot, the temperature  actually went down temporarily before coming back up.  (PhysOrg)
The Landsat satellite allows the  scientists to recognize big changes occurring in the geothermal area, like  Yellowstone. However, nobody knows what is happening or where due to the  satellite's large pixel size in its imagery. But clues are being found regarding  the interconnection of the underground geothermal events. The goal is to obtain  higher resolution in future thermal data. NASA's next Landsat satellite, the  Landsat Data Continuity Mission, will have a new thermal instrument on it for  use in 2013 to add to Yellowstone's geothermal record.

More aboutNASA, Landsat, Problems, Under, Yellowstone

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/315763#ixzz1gnTlMnKm

以上は「dig journal」より



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